Friday, March 28, 2008

Days 203-208

Here's One!

Grocery Shopping in Houston

We'll see how long I can keep these alive.

New to us couch.


Vixen brought us a present. Apparently this is 'Magic' the pomeranian :(

And I am caught up. Never again will I wait so long.


bryan said...

i probably shouldn't think the Magic picture is as funny as i do.

Randi Sue said...

haha. we looked for the grave to get rid of the rest (V has been bringing in skeleton parts for a week - we kept thinking squirrel!) but couldn't find it. Instead we found tiny little holes all over the yard. We think that she's excavated the whole thing and reburied it all over the yard.

She's a hound.

kinda gross to look over and see the pup gnawing on a skull in the middle of the living room. Grosser still to have a name for the remains.