Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 193 - 202

I apologize for my lack of presence.
Rest assured, I am fine, the camera is fine and Birdy cut molars.

I bring to you (all in two posts because if I have to format 18 posts, I will likely quit. Or cry.) Days 193 - 202. That is March 11, 2008 - March 22, 2008. Second installment to follow, later this evening.

The Birthday Bird:

Yes, really.

Celebrating with cake 2 days later due to stomach incident:

Thank you for visiting, Grandaddy.

Neighborhood at Night:

Made by a friend:

Don't see one of these everyday.

Have I mentioned that she's a witch? Everyday.

My designer refrigerator.

Crossing the bridge.

Now you're famous, Danny.

She sure is pretty.


bryan said...

some dam fine fotos, there.

welcome back.

PG said...

what a great set. Well worth the wait!!